Access Code | Description |
Accounts Transactions | |
/accountsTransaction | Allows display and saving of accounts transactions |
/accountsTransactionReset | Allows reset of accounts transactions prepared status |
/allowEditingAllInvoices | Allows user to edit all invoices (including Exported). |
/allowEditingPreparedInvoices | Allows user to edit Prepared invoices |
/allowRevertAccTransFromBillApproval | Allows user to revert an accounts transaction type after an invoice number has been issued |
/createInterimDeposits | Allows user to create an interim deposit |
/createInterimTransaction | Allows user to create 'interim' accounts transactions. |
/createInvoiceReversal | Allows user to create an invoice reversal |
/editAccountsTransactionAltCurrency | Allows user to edit an accounts transaction currency |
/editSavedInvoice | Allows user to edit an invoice which has been saved |
/resetAccountsTransaction | Allows user to change the accounts transaction type |
/savePaymentReceived | Allows saving of the Payment Received check box. |
Admin | |
/adminDates | Allows user access to lock entities in iCFM (date based locking) |
/customReports | Displays any custom report options in the main menu |
/editAllocationRates | Allows user access to the Project Type Editor (Admin Options) |
/editQuoteTemplates | Allows user access to the quote template manager |
/editViews | Allows user access to view editor |
/managementReports | Allows user access to Management Reports |
/saveUserInformation | Allows user to save User Information |
/showComboOptions | Allows user access to drop down list editor (Combo Box Options) |
/showUserInformation | Allows user access to the User Information page |
/showUserList | Allows user access to the User List page |
/toggleHiddenRatecardServices | Allows user access to the ratecard status toggler utility |
/superUser | Full access user |
API Only | |
/readEventQueue | Read access to the EventQueue endpoint. |
/writeEventQueue | Write access to the EventQueue endpoint. |
Billing | |
/actualsCollection | Displays details on the Actuals Collection page |
/applyNoChargeWithReason | Force user to enter a reason when no charging a job or costing row |
/costJob | Allows user to alter costings on a job. Also displays dashboard tabs: 'MCS' & 'MCS (Prepared) if Costing Sheets are enabled |
/displayFinance | Show certain financial figures on search grids and general access to financial data |
/showServiceCosts | Allows user to view Service Cost data |
/showStaffCosts | Allows user to view Staff Cost data |
/staffCosts | Displays Staff Costs on Job List report |
/viewBilling | Allows user to view billings (on job and project), but not edit. (Not required if \/costjob is also present which allows viewing and editing) |
/showSkillDetails | Allows user to view and edit detailed Staff skill data |
Company | |
/saveCompany | Allows user to save company information |
/showCompany | Allows user access to Company information |
/showCompanyAccountInfo | Allows user access to Company Account information |
/showcompanysearch | Allows user access to the Company search page |
/saveContact | Allows user to Save a new company contact |
/showContact | Allows user access to company contacts |
/showcontactsearch | Allows user access to the Contact search page |
Costing Sheets | |
/revertCostingSheetStatus | Allows user to revert a costing sheets status |
/saveCostingSheet | Allows user to save a Costing Sheet, (MCS) |
/showCostingSheetSearch | Allows user access to the costing sheet search page |
Dashboard | |
/dashAllQuotes | Allows user access to the All Quotes tab. |
/dashAllSundry | Displays Data on 'All Misc Costs' tab |
/dashArtistHours | Displays Tab: 'Artist Hours' |
/dashAutomaticProjectsInvoicing | Displays Tab: 'TBC Invoices' |
/dashBadBoys | Displays Tab: 'Bad Boys' |
/dashBidToBill | Displays Tab: 'Bid To Bill' |
/dashCategoryServices | Displays Tab: 'Category Services' |
/dashCompletedJobs | Displays Tab : 'Completed Jobs' |
/dashConfirmedQuotes | Allows user access to the Confirmed Quotes tab. |
/dashDepotPandL | Displays Tab : 'Depot P & L' |
/dashDmgTab | Allows user access to view DMG data. |
/dashIncompleteJobs | Displays Data on 'To Do List' |
/dashInvoiceRevenueAllocation | Displays Tab: 'Invoice Allocation' |
/dashInvoicesReadyForExport | Displays Tabs: 'Export' and 'Deposits' |
/dashLivepandL | Displays Tab: 'Live P & L' (Profit & Loss) |
/dashMcsPreparedTab | Allows user access to the Prepared MCS tab. |
/dashMcsTab | Allows user access to the MCS tab. |
/dashMismatchedInvoices | Displays Tab: 'Mismatched Invoices' |
/dashMismatchedProjects | Displays Tab: 'Mismatched Projects' |
/dashMyFutureJobs | Displays Tab: 'My Future Jobs' |
/dashMyJobs | Displays Data on 'My Jobs' Tab |
/dashMyProjects | Displays Tab: 'My Projects' |
/dashMyQuotes | Displays Tab: 'My Quotes' |
dashMySundry | Displays Tab: 'My Misc Costs' |
/dashMyThings | Displays Tab: 'My Things' |
/dashOldPencilJobs | No Longer in use |
/dashOverbookedProjects | Allows user access to the Overbooked Project tab. |
/dashPencilReport | Displays Tab: 'Pencil Report' |
/dashPitches | Displays Tab: 'Pitches' (Bids) |
/dashProducerQuotes | Displays Tab: 'Producer Quotes' |
/dashProjectProgress | Allows user access to the Project Progress tab. |
/dashProjectRevenueAllocation | Displays Tab: 'Revenue Allocation' |
/dashProjectStatus | Displays the dashboard Project Status report |
/dashPurchaseOrdersAwaitingAuthorisation | Displays Tab: 'Purchase' |
/dashPurchaseTab | Allows user access to the Purchase tab. |
/dashQuoteCancelled | Displays Tab: 'Cancelled Quotes' |
/dashQuoteOverBooked | Displays Tab: 'Overbooked Projects' |
/dashQuoteProgress | Displays Tab: 'Quote Progress' |
/dashQuoteWIPInfo | Displays Tab: 'Quote WIP Info' |
/dashRevenueForecast | Displays Tab: 'Revenue Forecast' and 'Revenue Forecast 2' |
/dashRevenueToBill | Displays Tab: 'Revenue To Bill' |
/dashNonCostedJobsByProject | Displays Tab: 'Non-Costed Jobs' |
/dashScheduleReports | Displays the schedule reports tab |
/dashScheduleSeats | Displays Tab: 'Schedule Seats' |
/dashShowLiveProjects | Displays Tab: 'LIVE PROJECTS' |
/dashShowProjectSummary | Displays Tab: 'Overdue Projects' |
/dashShowTraffic | Displays Despatch detail on the 'Traffic' tab |
/dashSummary | Displays Summary section on the 'Home' tab |
/dashSumQuotes | Displays Tab: 'All Bids' |
/dashSundryToApprove | Displays Tab: 'My Misc Costs' |
/dashTodayConfirmedJobs | Displays Tab: 'Today Confirmed Jobs' |
/dashToDoList | Allows user access to the To Do List tab. |
/dashTraffic | Allows user access to the Traffic tab. |
/dashUtilisation | Displays Tab: 'Utilisation' |
/dashWIPInfo | Displays Tab: 'Quote WIP Info' |
/hideCompletedJobsOnDashboard | Excludes Completed jobs on the 'Home' tab |
/searchQuote | Displays Tab: 'My Quotes', 'All Quotes' and 'Confirmed Quotes' |
/showCompletedProjectsInDashboard | Shows 'Completed' Projects on the 'My Projects' tab |
/showDashLeads | Displays Tab: 'Leads' |
/showDashPitchExpenses | Displays Tab: 'Pitch Expenses' |
/showDashPlayoutReport | Displays the dashboard Playout Report |
/showDashProducerManagement | Displays Tab: 'Producer Management' |
/showExecutiveDash | Displays Tab: 'Executive' |
/showFinance | Displays financial data on various reports |
/showJobSearch | Displays Tab: 'To Do List' & 'My Jobs' |
/showMyJobs | Shows jobs where the logged in user is the job Our Contact |
/showPurchaseOrderSearch | Displays Tab: 'Purchase' |
/showSundry | Displays Tab: 'My Sundries' & 'All Sundries' |
/dashProjectHealthCheck | Displays Tab: 'Project Health' |
/showDashActualsReport | Displays Actuals 3 Report on Dashboard |
/showDashUnderQuotedServicesReport | Displays the underquoted services report on Dashboard |
/dashProjectProfitAndLossReport | Displays Project Profit and Loss on Dashboard |
/dashProjectRevenueByCategory | Displays Project Revenue By Category |
Despatch / Shipping | |
/applyDespatchNoChargeWithReason | Allows a user to no charge a desatch |
/deleteDespatch | Allows user to delete, (cancel), a despatch item |
/moveLibrary | Allows user to move library items |
/reinstateDespatch | Allows user to reinstate a cancelled despatch |
/revertDespatchStatus | Allows user to revert a despatch's status |
/showDespatch | Allows user to open a despatch Note |
/showDespatchSearch | Allows user access to the Despatch search page |
Dub / DMG | |
/deleteCompletedDMG | Allows user to delete a DMG row which has been completed |
/deleteDMG | Allows user to delete a single DMG row |
/DMGControlEdit | Allows user to edit \/ save changes to jobs from within DMG Control screen. |
/DMGOnHold | Allows user to set jobs to 'On Hold' in DMG Control. |
/dubbingControl | Allows user access to the Dubbing Control area, (DMG) |
/editCompletedDubs | Allows user to edit a completed DMG row |
/saveDMG | Allows user to add a DMG row (new method, inputs, outputs etc) |
/saveJobDMG | Allows user to add a DMG row |
/showDMGTotal | Displays a running total in the job header for all DMG\/MCR work. Displayed for jobs at Pencil, Confirmed and Completed status |
Exports | |
/allowRollbackExportedInvoice | Allows user to revert an invoice which has been exported |
Holiday | |
/editHoliday | Allows user to edit holiday information |
/holidayAdmin | Displays the Absence Report option in Management reports |
/holidayReport | Displays the holiday report displaying all leave between the given dates |
/showHoliday | Displays icon to open user holiday information from schedule |
/showHolidayNotesOnBooking | Displays extended holiday description on Schedule |
Jobs | |
/addServiceToResource | Allows user access to the 'Show All' services link |
/applyActualTimes | Allows user to apply a resources actual times |
/changeJobProject | Allows user to change the Project on a job |
/editGrossStaffCost | Allows user to edit Gross Staff Costs |
/editNetStaffCost | Allows user to edit Net Staff Costs |
/editSkillLevel | Allows user to edit the Skill Level of a resource |
/invoiceJob | Allows user to invoice a job |
/moveJobsToAnotherQuote | Allows a user to move a job to a different quote within the same project |
/reinstateAllocatedJob | Allows user to reinstate a job which is attached to a accounts transaction |
/removeServiceFromResource | Allows user to remove a service that is attached to a resource |
/revertCostedJobs | Allows user to revert a job that has been costed ($PREVENT_ROLLING_BACK_OF_COSTED_JOBS must be on for this access code to be checked) |
/revertJobStatus | Allows user to revert a jobs status |
/revertSentToAccounts | Allows user to revert a job that has been sent to accounts |
/saveClientAttendingNotes | Allows user to save notes relating to the client attending |
/saveJob | Allows user to create, save and edit Job data |
/saveJobNotes | Allows user to save a jobs notes |
/saveJobSchedule | Allows user to add\/edit\/delete resource-schedule records on jobs |
/showGrossStaffCost | Displays Gross Staff Costs in various areas in the system |
/showJob | Allows user access to job details |
/showJobOfficeNotes | Allows user access to job 'Office\/Client Notes' notes |
/showJobOperatorNotes | Allows user access to job 'Operator' notes |
/showJobProducerNotes | Allows user access to job 'Producer' notes |
/showJobShippingNotes | Allows user access to job 'Shipping' notes |
/showJobTabGekko | Displays the job 'Gekko' tab |
/showNetStaffCost | Displays Nett Staff Costs in various areas in the system |
/updateInvoiceReceived | Displays 'Actual Collection' menu option |
Leads | |
/saveLead | Allows user to save leads |
/searchLead | Allows user to use lead search |
/showLead | Allows user to view leads |
Management Reports | |
/rpt-AverageRateByDepot | Displays the Average Rate by Depot management report |
/rpt-invoices | User report(s) that require access code: /rpt-invoices |
Media / Library | |
/massMediaMovement | Allows access to the Mass media Movement script (also needs moveLibrary) |
/saveLibrary | Allows user to add\/edit library items |
/showLibrary | Allows user access to library data |
/showLibraryNotes | Allows user to view media notes |
/showLibrarySearch | Allows user access to the library, (media), search page |
/showMediaTransactionSearch | Show the media transaction search page |
Misc Costs | |
/approveSundry | Allows user to approve a Misc Cost |
/authoriseSundry | Allows user to Authorise a Misc Cost |
/deleteSundry | Allows user to delete, (cancel) a Misc Cost |
/editCostedSundry | Allows user to edit a Misc Cost on a job which has been costed |
/printRunnersExpenseReport | Allows user to print \/export the runners Misc Cost expense report |
/printRunnersOvereads | Allows user to print\/export the runners Misc Cost overhead report |
/showRunners | Displays Misc Cost Search menu option |
/viewSundry | Allows user access to Misc Cost Search header |
Plugins | |
/saveArtistContract | Write access for Artist Contract plugin. |
/saveProjectSchedule | Write access for Planner plugin. |
/saveQuoteAice | Write access for Quote AICP plugin. |
/saveQuotePrep | Write access for Quote Prep plugin. |
/showArtistContract | Read access for Artist Contract plugin. |
/showProjectSchedule | Read access for Planner plugin. |
/showQuoteAice | Read access for Quote AICP plugin. |
Products | |
/saveProduct | Allows user to save a product |
/showProduct | Allows user access to Product information |
/showproductsearch | Allows user access to the Product search page |
Projects | |
/allowCancelProject | Allows user to cancel a project as long as it has no Confirmed quotes, or associated costs\/revenue |
/authoriseProject | Allows user to Authorise a Project |
/changeProjectStatus | Allows user to change a Projects status |
/changeProjectStatusSentToAccounts | Allows user to change a Projects status to Sent To Accounts |
/editFinalCompletionDate | Allows user to set or edit the project 'Closed Date' field. |
/editProjectArchiveDate | Allows user to edit the Archived date |
/projectAccrualDelete | Allows user to delete a Project Accrual value |
/projectAccruals | Displays Tab: 'Accruals' on Project |
/projectCostTracker | Allows user access to the Project Cost Tracker tab. |
/projectLive | Allows user to make a project 'live' |
/projectMaintenance | Allows user to press the button on the un-costed list to automatically bring the project up-to-date with regards to costings\/actualising |
/projectProfitLoss | Allows user access to the Project P&L tab. |
/projectRevenueForecast | Displays Tab: 'Revenue Forecast' (also requires \/dashRevenueForecast) |
/projectTabBidVsActual | Displays Tab: 'Bid vs Actual' on Project |
/revertsenttoaccountsprojectstatus | Allows user to revert the status of a project from Sent To Accounts to Completed |
/revertcompletedprojectstatus | Allows user to revert the status of a project from Completed to Confirmed |
/revertconfirmedprojectstatus | Allows user to revert the status of a project from Confirmed to New |
/saveProject | Allows user to create, edit and save project data |
/saveProjectAccruals | Allows editing of Project Accruals |
/saveProjectAttributes | Allows user to save a projects attributes |
/saveTeam | Allows user to Save a new team member on Projects |
/setFinalCompletionDate | Allows user to set the project 'Closed Date' field. |
/showProject | Allows user access to view Project data |
/showProjectMilestones | Displays Tab: 'Milestones' on Project |
/showProjectSearch | Allows user access to the project search page |
/showProjectSummaryProfitLoss | Displays Tab: 'Summary P&L' (also requires \/showProject and \/showStaffCosts) |
/showQuotePrep | Displays Tab: 'Quote Prep' on Project |
/projectForceClose | Allows user to FORCE close a project |
/projectApproval | Allows user to APPROVE a project |
/projectRevenueType | Allows user to view and edit Revenue type in projects |
/showSpots | Allows user to view project Spot information |
Purchase Orders | |
/allowEditingAuthorisedPurchaseOrder | Allows user to edit a Purchase Order that has been Authorised |
/allowEditingAwaitingPurchaseOrder | Allows user to edit a Purchase Order that is at the Awaiting Authorisation status |
/allowEditingCompletedDetailsPurchaseOrder | Allows user to edit the completion details of a Completed Purchase Order. |
/allowEditingCompletedPurchaseOrder | Allows user to cancel a Completed Purchase Order. |
/allowEditingGoodsReceivedPurchaseOrder | Allows user to edit a Purchase Order that is at the Goods Received status |
/allowPurchaseOrderCompletion | Allow or deny user the ability to Complete a Purchase Order, (requires config setting). |
/savePurchase | Allows user to set the VAT totals on a PO |
/savePurchaseOrder | Allows user to create, save and edit Purchase Order data |
/showPurchaseOrder | Allows user access to Purchase Order data |
/exportPurchase | Allows users to export Purchase Order data |
Quotes | |
/allowQuoteStatusConfirmedToCompleted | Allows user to change quote status from Confirmed to Completed. |
/allowSpreadOneTimeDiscount | Allows user to spread the one time discount of a quote |
/alwaysAllowQuoteDiscount | Allows user to discount a quote |
/bidApprovalBypass | Allows user to force quote approval (only applies to advanced quote approval feature). |
/confirmOverDiscountedQuote | Allows user to Confirm quotes which contain items discounted over the max discount threshold. |
/exportQuote | Allows user access to export quote data |
/importQuote | Allows user access to import quote data |
/noQuoteLimit | Allows user to Authorise a quote for any amount |
/quoteBilled | Allows user to flag quote as Billed |
/quoteProfitAndLoss | Displays Profit & Loss option in Quote Menu |
/revertAuthorisedQuoteStatus | Allows user to revert an Authorised quote's status |
/revertAwaitingAuthorisationQuoteStatus | Allows user to revert an Awaiting Authorisation quote's status |
/revertCompletedQuoteStatus | Allows user to revert a Completed quote's status |
/revertConfirmedQuoteStatus | Allows user to revert a Confirmed quote's status |
/riskAssessmentApproval | Allows user to approve a risk assessment report |
/saveQuote | Allows user to create, edit and save quote data |
/showquotesearch | Allows user to access to the Quote search page |
/saveQuoteAfterExpiry | Allows user to create, edit and save quote data once the end date is passed |
/saveQuoteApprovedInFinance | Allows user to flag quote as Approved in Finance |
/saveQuoteClientSigned | Allows user to flag quote as Signed By Client |
/showQuote | Allows user access to view quote data |
/showStaffCostTiers | Allows users to see tiered rates on quotes |
/updateEndDateOnQuoteComplete | Automatically update quote end date when setting quote status to Completed (only applies when $ON_QUOTE_COMPLETION_SET_ENDDATE_TO_TODAY = 1). |
Rate Card | |
/editNominal | Allows user to edit nominal codes on the rate card |
/editRateCard | Allows user to edit existing rate card data |
/editVirtualCost | Allows user to edit virtual costs on the rate card |
/printRateCard | Allows export of rate card data |
/saveRateCard | Allows user to create, edit and save rate card data |
/showRateCard | Allows user access to rate card data |
Reports | |
/managementTools | Allows user to use the Management Tools features. |
/pivotReportCompany | Access to the Pivot Report for Company Reporting. |
/pivotReportGlobal | Access to the Pivot Report for Global Reporting. |
/pivotReportProject | Access to the Pivot Report for Project Reporting. |
/rpt-login | Allows user access to the reporting module. |
/showInsightReports | Allows user access to Insight Reporting. |
/showInsightReportCriteria | Allows user to view & edit criteria within Insight Reports. |
/showInsightReportAdmin | Allows user to modify & save Insight Reports. |
Resource | |
/deleteResource | Allows user to delete a resource |
/exportResourceList | Allows user to export the resource list |
/printResourceList | Allows user to print the resource list |
/saveResource | Allows user to add\/edit resources |
/showProducerNotesInToolTip | Displays the job Producer Notes in the Tool Tip on the rate card |
/showResource | Allows user access to the resource page |
/showResourceList | Allows user access to the resource list |
/saveResourceFinancial | Allows user access to the resource's financial details |
Schedule | |
/autoShowSticky | Displays the schedule sticky note if one exists for the current date |
/changeDateInSchedule | Allows user to change job date when using the lasso tool |
/editShift | Allows user to edit shift information |
/moveItemsInView | Allows user to move resource up and down within a view |
/showAllViews | Allows user to see all schedule Views. |
/showSchedule | Allows user access to view the main schedule |
/showScheduleDragDropButtons | Displays the Lasso, Drag, Drop, Slide buttons on the schedule |
/showScheduleView1 | Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code. |
/showScheduleView2 | Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code. |
/showScheduleView3 | Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code. |
/showScheduleView4 | Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code. |
/showScheduleView5 | Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code. |
/showShiftNotesOnBooking | Displays shift description on Schedule |
/showShifts | Displays icon to view shift information from the schedule |
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